Slab Building & Decorations

These two weeks, Matt introduced us the different ways of slab building and decorations.

Here are some notes for slab building and decorations.

Firstly, The hardness of clay can give strength to build up the body. Therefore, before we use the clay, put a newspaper on the surface of the clay, which can absorb the water, then put into the plastic bag.


The image above is about a way of decoration, which is to put the grog or china clay powder (white) or ball clay powder (brown) on the surface and then roll the powder into the clay.

To give the texture on clay, we can use different materials, such as fabric, plastic bags, metal…


Another way of decorating the clay is to use different slips with some tools. For example, apply the slip with brush after curving the clay, and  use kidney to wipe off the slip.

What’s interesting to me is that I can combine different ways of decorating together. And I still need more practice to see the affection.


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